Members Only

Submit Member News

Submit Member News

NEW: Weekly Featured Artists in Members' News. Info, HERE.


MEMBER NEWS is sent out once a week via email to our members and to our master mailing list.

To ensure that your news gets sent out in time for your event, we ask all Member Exhibition news BE RECEIVED a minimum of 4 days prior to the scheduled weekly (Monday) email.   (In other words, Wednesday would be the last day we can guarantee that your news will make the email blast on Monday).  While we always strive to get your information emailed and posted in a timely manner, please be aware that our volunteers cannot be expected to reschedule their own busy lives to accommodate information that is received past the deadline.

This email is sent to both our members and our "audience".  Currently, we have 822 on our combined email list, and we get more names every exhibition.  If you have a list you would like to include, please email us.

Some items are REQUIRED and you will not be able to submit the form unless they are completed.

PLEASE title your images and files with your name and the title of the artwork (Ex:  Smith-John-Beautiful-Artwork) or the name of the event (Ex: Smith-John-Exhibit-Flyer)

Questions?  Please contact      

NOTE:  To submit your Artists' Profile information for inclusion on the website, go to PSA Members Only "Update Your Artist Profile" - complete and submit the form.

Submit Member News - Request Form
No file selected
TITLE: Your-Name-Image-size (size is not required)
TITLE: Your-Name-Image-size (size is not required)
Please do NOT submit a show flyer for social media
No file selected
TITLE the image: Your name, title of image // file size: up to 10 inches on longest side, 150 to 300 dpi
No file selected
Title the announcement: YourName-Title-of-document