“Art in Nature” Festival at Eaton Canyon

On November 11, from 11am to 4pm, artists will be gathering for a special day to paint and demo art at Eaton Canyon to reflect the interconnection of nature and art. There will be youth painting activities, photography, plein air artists, and music. Speakers include student artist Lily Yllescas at 12:30 and PSA’s former president Victor Picou at 2:30. The event is free, please bring friends and family, carpooling is encouraged.
Liz Crimzon, PSA member-at-large, coordinated this event. She says “This art festival was inspired by a conversation that I had with Kenia. Most visitors come to Eaton Canyon just to go to the waterfall, and they miss out on everything else that is here – including all the animals! There are many artists, who are inspired the beauty of Eaton Canyon, that come here to create artwork. We thought, if we introduce visitors to what nature looks like "through the eyes of artists," perhaps they will be inspired to “look beyond the waterfall” to see what else Eaton Canyon has to offer.”
Participating artists include:
Tommy Lei – Photography
Debbi Swanson Patrick – Photography, Scannography (live demo)
Darien Donner – Watercolor
Nora Koerber – Oil Painting, Studio and Plein Air
Robert Sullivan – Photography
Albert Natian – Pen and Ink on paper
Karen M. Holgerson – Fabric collage on board
Plein Air Paint Out Artists
Rosina Maize, Johanna Keogh, Fred Chuang, Monica List, Chris Gallison, Lee Edwards, Lynne Fearnan, Lin Zheng, Jeannine Savedra
Eaton Canyon Invited Artists:
Brenda Hurst
Marge Hirn Rock Painting
Lily Ylescuas – Pen and pencil art (featured speaker)
Chris Stafki – Photography
Diego Blanco – Digital Art
Yvonne Scaggs – Charcoal Drawing
Pam Edwards – Watercolor
Vendors will be on site including Calisto Tea House. Braden Pontoli – Musician (Sound Baths) Braden will perform at 3:30 pm.
For more information, visit https://www.ecnca.org/arts-festival-november-11th/
Debbi Swanson Patrick, PSA, 310-995-5389, writerphotodeb@gmail.com, or
Kenia Estrella at Eaton Canyon kestrella@parks.lacounty.gov 626-398-5420