Biographical Information:
I have recently settled in Southern California after having lived most of my adult life in Northern California. I have traveled throughout Europe and parts of the US. I earned a BS with a major in Design from the University of California Davis.
In addition to creating art, I also collaborate with poet, Suzanne Bruce. We exhibit our interdisciplinary work at EkphrasticExpressions.com. We have published two books which feature our ekphrastic expressions- poetry inspired by art.
Yoga influences my life. I have been pursuing the goals of meditation since the 1980’s.
Artist Statement:
I create art because it visually represents my philosophical balance between planned structure and random chaos. The flow of color, the combination of textures, and the effect of light influence the spontaneous accidents that can occur during the process of creation. I embrace those chaotic moments which lead to altered, insightful outcomes. With my life and my art, I strive to find that balance.
Mixed-Media Collage and Assemblage work comprises a large part of my portfolio. Currently I am working on a series of Altered Books. The subject matter ranges from whimsical to politics to feminist-charged issues.
My Manipulated Canvas projects are abstract. I create multiple canvases with similar colors and texture. I then cut up those canvases and rearrange the pieces by layering, or pleating, or weaving them together to create one new canvas. Mixed-media collage and assemblage allow me to push my artistic experimentation toward abstract compositions.