Biographical Information:
Born in Los Angeles, I grew up in the Huntington Beach area. I now live in Pasadena, California, on Locust St, in my house.
Before I was old enough to go to school I was taught how to hold a pencil and how to draw a line by my Father while he studied drafting.
Like all artists my love for and interest in art has been lifelong. However, life often having other notions, my free time for the serious pursuit of the craft has been only a few short years.
I am self taught in art, except for my Fathers drafting lessons, through observation - a lot of reading, and a great deal of practice.
I paint with oils on canvas. I like the richness in the texture of oil paint. I enjoy drawing with pencils - graphite, charcoal and with ink.
Artist Statement:
Fascinated and inspired by the human figure in classical realism, by extreme contrast, and by the way a simple line, a curve, a shadow can be used to create the illusion of form and provoke emotion. Working primarily in oils, charcoal and graphite, I am currently exploring techniques in black and white and muted color to create portraiture as contemporary fine art.
Solo Exhibitions:
2010 - Alzheimer’s Walk Foundation
Group Exhibitions:
2013 - Pasadena Society of Artists "New Members of 2012" exhibition, Towns-Burr Gallery, Burbank
2013 - Amazing Women Art Exhibit, Women's City Club of Pasadena
2011 - Alzheimer’s Walk Foundation
2010 - Amazing Women Art Exhibit, Women's City Club of Pasadena
2009 - Amazing Women Art Exhibit, Women's City Club of Pasadena
Member of Pasadena Society of Artists
Past Associate Member of the California Art Club.