Pasadena Society of Artists presents the New Members Exhibition opening Saturday, January 14, 2017 at Towns Burr Gallery located at 3609 West Magnolia Blvd. in Burbank.  Exhibition Chair Harry Nickelson has assembled an exhibition of the 12 new members juried into PSA during 2016.  

The new members are:  Martin Erlich, MinaHo Ferrante, Sydelle Foreman, Joanna Kos, Eugene Kuperman, Ildiko Laszlo, Howard Marshall, Danny Mattijetz, Priscilla Pearson, Vivki Rees, Bart Ross, LP AEkilli Ross

Our new members create their art using oil, sculpture, acrylic, ceramics, watercolor and photography.

Meet these emerging and established artists at the Opening Reception Saturday, January 14, 2017 2pm to 4pm.  Refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be offered. 

The exhibition remains open from January 14 through Saturday, February 4, 2017.  Gallery hours are 10am to 5pm, Tuesday – Saturday.

For additional information please contact:

Harry Nickelson
Exhibition Chair
Pasadena Society of Artists
Tel: 626.808.5342
Email: email

Towns Burr Gallery
Connie Towns Burr
Gallery Director
Tel: 818.845.7144

Lawrence D. Rodgers
Director of Exhibitions
Pasadena Society of Artists
Tel: 626-802-7142

New member Howard Marshall with Exhibitions Co-Director Rebecca Harvey Pollack

Part of the enthusiastic crowd viewing the art and visiting with the artists

Exhibition Chair, Harry Nickelson, his friend and new member Bart Ross

New member Joanna Kos with friends

Gallery director Connie Towns Burr, PSA President Victor Picou, new member LP AEkilli Ross, , new member Bart Ross (L -R)

More visitors viewing the artwork and visiting with the artists